Town Board
Town Council
A town council governs the Town of Westport. They meet the second Tuesday of each month at 7pm, and the fourth Tuesday of each month at 3pm, at the Town Office. These meetings are open to the public.
The current members of the council are:
Barry Morrison
Michael Fergot
Eric Westover
Steven Viens
Town Supervisor
Michael (Ike) Tyler, Supervisor- send me an email
Office: (518) 962-4419; Fax: (518) 962-4550Steven Viens, Deputy Supervisor
Duties and Functions
According to New York State Law, as explained in the Handbook “Information for Town Officials,” published by the State Comptroller, the Town Board is the governing board of the Town.
The Town Board has many functions, including creating and approving the Town budget, setting salaries of town officials, hiring town employees and others too numerous to include here. A comprehensive description of the Town Board’s duties and functions can be seen on page 10 of the handbook.